
Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Day 6 Post 4

This just goes to show ANYONE can get a licence. There's a Dog driving that Truck...

When I was a 18 I was going through what I thought was death by my insides.
My first REAL Heart Break. 

Man it was a rough go. 2 weeks of Celine Dion, Garth Brooks and anything else that screamed, "You can sing really loud to this and shatter windows with your tear filled voice."  

To this day, I think it's still in the top 2 of:
-Ultimate Shock
-What a Jerk. I could do better! What if I can't? Wait! Yes I can...NEXT! (haha) 
-All this was usually followed up with , "God are you there? It's Amy"
(You still with me?) Break-up's of all time. 

Both of those of those moments in my life made me who I am today..."A Man Hater!"

It just made me stronger. A little guarded maybe, but life lessons never come easy right!

Now I know anyone that knows me thinks my First Husband was one of my Life Lessons in Men. Well you'd be wrong. By the time I left him, NOTHING was a shock anymore. He was just my lesson in:
"Smarten Up and Be More Aware"

So I have to say with all honestly he was just two things: 
A: a sperm donor for two of the GREATEST Kids ever! 
and B: An Awaking

Now lets get real!
I'm not going to talk about what happened with mini-anti-Christ wannabe ('s funny!) because it plays no part in today's thought...
But I do remember saying to my Mother the day I had to move back home with a 2 year old, a new born ("colicky" isn't even the word for it) baby, a car (that would soon be towed by the jerk) full of all the baby things I could pack, and "very little" of my own belongings. (Can you say start over!)
"Mom" I said, 
"I left my whole life behind. It's all gone. Everything I worked for (I owned almost everything in that house before marriage) The next man I date will be Red Foreman!!"
-Awesome Amy (haha)

Go ahead, laugh. 
He's a hard-ass. He's rough around the edges. He seems to hate almost everyone he meets. He doesn't have time for crap...
 BUT he has a soft spot for his wife!
Just what I (Finally) realized I needed.

Do I ever shut-up? 
No, no I don't! haha..

SO this brings me back to when I was 18. Crying. Thinking I would live in the corner of my Dark Forest Green room FOREVER!!
My Mom being the Common Sense kinda Women she is didn't have time to hug me and walk me through every single emotion I was going through. She just came into my room and explained (kindly), that the beauty of dating was simple. You get to keep meeting guys that have qualities you like. You get to take those good qualities and move them to the next guy...leaving behind the ones you don't like. 
So as long as I kept on track, looking for what I wanted and leaving behind the things I couldn't live with... I was building "MY MR.PERFECT!" 

Seems so easy right? 
Wait...No it sounds hard...What's the point of this story Amy?!

My point is, it is that easy! I went off course. I lost my focus and I forgot what I wanted after my second devastating blow (guy #2 on Awesome Amy's Heart Break List) I ended up finding the guy that has the same qualities as the idiots that Bark at me when I'm out power walking with my kids in the stroller. THEN Ta-da!! Married Him (This goes on the Awesome Amy's What the Hell Was I Thinking List)

Why do men do that? Why do they literally bark? If they aren't barking, they yell awful sexual things. I HAVE KIDS WITH ME! Did your brain shut-down when you seen yoga pants and your only instinct were to yelling and/or bark? 
Get a life!

 *BAM* Present Life

Out of all the men I dated, I've realized, I need to pick my Red Foremen! 
I did it, I really did! 

I wanted a sarcastic, no nonsense, hard working, moral man with a Job I could respect. I was looking for someone with broad shoulders, iron walls...but had a soft spot for me and my crazy ways. 

Seems once I reevaluated life and it's priorities, I was able to put it out into the World (Or God's Hands however you look at things) 

I could break my Guy down and tell you every single quality he has from any other guy I've ever dated. 
  • Athletic
  • Can Cook
  • Knowledgeable
  • A Guy's Guy
  • Respectable Job
  • Hard Worker
  • Great with Kids
  • Moral
  • Stubborn
  • Sarcastic as all get-out!
My Dream, someone else's nightmare. Life's funny like that!

But please please please don't kid yourself. He's not perfect, I'm not perfect and we can drive each other nuts if we want to. But I couldn't imagine doing this 24/7 job of Life with anyone else! 

keep pushing for what you want. Cause life is hard enough without the right ppl in it!

Now all this being said... I still view men like...Well...this:

lol... I know. Some Ladies wouldn't mind this, haha
My point is "Barbarians when in Packs"

Now I leave you with today's shot at women and their so called "Empowering Ways" as I mentioned in my last Blog. 
Mostly because it made me laugh while proving my point...


Saturday, 16 July 2011

Day 4 Post 3

Slut Walk Move Over...Your Boring Me!

This picture doesn't exactly scream sleazy women, and it did make me laugh out loud. But the reality is it's a symbol of something bigger. 

A man making fun of women acting sleazy on Covers of Magazines. 

I have spent years ignoring Reality TV, Magazines, Entertainment programs focusing on (so called) famous ppl... even Facebook ad's now and days. It bores me. Seriously...I could literally cry I'm so bored with other ppl's drama. (Ya I know, then I blog...who the heck am I? haha)

But then I made the mistake of "Liking" a few shows on Facebook. I would get weekly updates, which I LOVED (Now I know if the show's "New" or not. I like TV, what-of-it?!) 

BIG MISTAKE! BIG BIG MISTAKE!! I could redo the "Pretty Woman" Scene it was SO big! (If you don't know the movie, stop reading...Your to young to read my blogs)


It took a wicked turn for the worst yesterday when I got an update for the show "Community." A show I just started watching. (One that I will never watch again) Two of the younger women on the show posed for a GQ article, so of course the network NBC was proudly advertising it. (More money in sex right!) 
I normally would have hit "Hide" on the picture, then moved on with my day... But I was out. You can't hide pictures on your phone. So you know what that means fellow fb phone users... EVERY friggin time I went on my phone to get a response to something I sent out (or just facebook stalk) the stupid picture kept popping up. 

Soon I started to notice thousands of comments were being made (Not looking, just noticing the numbers under the pic) and at least 4 thousand ppl had "liked" the pic within 43mins. (I didn't realize prisoners, teenage boys and perverts everywhere where on their computer at the same time in the World...but they were!)

So me being me, I read the article it advertised to see what the big deal was. 
It had NOTHING to do with the show. 
The article focused on two girls giggling and acting like lesbians because they thought it was funny. (You know how it is Ladies...acting gay is fun! Gay ppl don't struggle to feel excepted, loved and understood right!? It's easy to be gay. This isn't at all insulting to anyone) 

Oh wait...Yes it is!

OK Amy...shut-up and get to the point...

He looks like he respects women...

So I (of course) made a comment. It wasn't all bra burning, Bible thumping, prude...It was just sarcastic. 

Long long longer story short...

I got a number of responses back. I even got one from a writer at GQ who felt women wouldn't be respected no matter how they dressed and/or acted (His mom must be proud!) 
PLUS a larger then expected amount of men name calling (your jealous, you must be fat...we don't need you. Typical high school drop-out classy stuff)

This is strong... Empowering...I'm taking her toughness seriously.

No man out there is going to throw a punch to see if she'll hit back...(if your slow, I mean move her arms)

Guys like her smile and wit...

This pic screams "I'd make a good wife, Mom and someone that'll you'll want to take home to Mom!"

I don't know about you, but I hope my kids have a role-model like Rihanna! She's every Father dreams his daughter to be!

It REALLY worries me that men are so afraid that women will HAVE to be taken seriously, respected or have less then what is already available in porn. These men have to lower themselves to pick on women over fear of losing the ability to feel the right to degrade women.

This is an addition that we have created.

Seems we women have broken the Silent Agreement Among Women. (I am now adding this to the Awesome Amy Dictionary under SAAW act of 2011) We once had an understanding that their were two types of women. "Sleazy & Classy." Now we have Classy women acting sleazy, THEN trying to be classy again. 
Before someone says something, YES! We all make mistakes! But when you go side-to-side-to-side over and over again, it breaks the Code. 
I mean COME ON...Women everywhere walking the "Slut Walk" to encourage our Rights to be who we want to be, Dressing like a slut to prove a point ISN'T working! 

Heck even the name of the "Rights Protests" is a Joke!

We need a new approach. We have to stop being the "Cool Girlfriend" and make men realize we DESERVE respect! 
Believe it or not, if a guy really likes you, he will wait longer then 3 dates to sleep with you... "Sex in the City" was JUST a show (a GOOD show.....but just a show!) 
That Samantha character...? Ya you can't act that way and truly get respect. 


NOW I will leave you with some pictures of men I also don't respect... Just cause I can... ;-)

Can you say Banana Hammock? 

And the second pic...well that's just BAD... That face...nope...


Thursday, 14 July 2011

Day 2 Post Two

Intimidating...Who me?

So the other day I was told I was intimidating. Now unlike most I took this as a complement. I know I should have stood back and re-questioned my whole life and charter up till now, but I didn't. I think I almost smiled. Now the person who told me this wasn't someone I wanted to intimidate in any way, I just liked the idea I had that power. 

I mean come on...think about it. Who makes you nervous?

  • Dr's
  • Lawyers
  • Dr.Phil
  • Military
  • Grocery Store Cashiers
  • Police Officers
  • Chiefs
  • Repair Man
  • Tim Horton Employees
  • Local Crack Dealer (You don't even have to do crack to be scared of that guy!)
  • Gordon Ramsay

  • And Now A House Wife!! 


But seriously, someone FINALLY realized "This" House Wife doesn't have time to worry about every little thing. 
You know what that means right?!? I'm being taken seriously for once by someone! WHOHOO!!

Blah blah blah...getting to the point...

I hit the ground running in the morning. If you showed up at my house I'm either in padded socks or running shoes, because I know I'm not going to be sitting down much! Unlike the Modern House Wife, I actually cook meals, clean my own house, School my Children, Baby my Husband and Direct the Traffic of anything coming through these Doors. With a Husband in the Military I don't have the ability to have any lose ends. I can not be unaware of the bills, money, chores (indoors & out) THEN to add insult to injury, My cat had 4 baby kittens! (So you know my house smells like stinky diapers, frebreeze, candles and litter. BLAH!)

So by the time my day ends usually 13 Hours from when it started (if I'm lucky), I just don't have time to be the "beat-around-the-bush-friend" that some might need. I don't mean to be rude and I do care. I'm just tired, sore and more then likely hungry. 

Now I know some women can take everything on and STILL be Charming & Adorable, but I can't. 
IF you need someone to laugh with, throw sarcasm around, play catch in the back yard and just have a good time...Sign Me Up! I'm your girl! 
Maybe after I have some fun I'll want to cry on your shoulder or have you cry on my shoulder. But I've never played enough catch to EVER have that happen up to date. Sorry. 

I like to save all my emotions for my Husband to sort out. (Love you babe! haha)

I mean come on... Do you think Police Officers want to end their day fighting with someone he doesn't have to? That Dr.Phil calls his friends to see who he can help with emotional problems? Do you think the Ladies that serve coffee stand in the kitchen and steal the last of your change like an expected tip? Or that my Husband watches everything Military related on TV? Wait!! He does. Scratch that last part. 

You get the point.

If you can come out of this with any reassurance at all... know if I didn't like you, I wouldn't be friends with you. Because I don't have time. This is my honest effort till my kids are grown and my Husband can do chores without TA like supervision. (Don't hold your breath, haha)


It's not personal... It's just Business! (kidding, kidding.......or am I?)


Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Day 1 Post 1


I should probably start by explaining my display picture choice. He's my youngest. He got away from me during  a morning bum change, grabbed his bottle of milk, took off running, but stopped in front of the back door window to have a drink and admire the new day. As I see it, this pic pretty much sums up how I look at life! Just taken it in... imperfections and all just out there for the world to see!

Not that my Son has any imperfections. He's almost perfect. Just the dimples on his bum are cutter then mine... Plus if someone came to the back door at the time of the little photo shoot that clearly happen here... It's easier to explain changing his bum and not my own. haha...

Now then... I'm not 100% sure why I started this Blog. I think it comes down to the idea that House Wives go a little stir crazy even when it's busy. So if 5 ppl could just pretend to like my stuff I'll feel a little better about myself. (kidding... but seriously... Find the like button already!)

NOW (Finally the end) I promise anything I say (well write) from here on out will be random. Sometime funny, At times odd, Always full of sarcasm and will at times make you question my sanity.

That and I believe the Title -Awesome Amy- should catch on as my full time name. So I want to write it on as many things as possible (ie MSN, fb, Blog) You know, places I can keep pushing it that my Husband reads, haha. So plan on reading that in the future...