So the other day I was told I was intimidating. Now unlike most I took this as a complement. I know I should have stood back and re-questioned my whole life and charter up till now, but I didn't. I think I almost smiled. Now the person who told me this wasn't someone I wanted to intimidate in any way, I just liked the idea I had that power.
I mean come on...think about it. Who makes you nervous?
- Dr's
- Lawyers
- Dr.Phil
- Military
- Grocery Store Cashiers
- Police Officers
- Chiefs
- Repair Man
- Tim Horton Employees
- Local Crack Dealer (You don't even have to do crack to be scared of that guy!)
- Gordon Ramsay
- And Now A House Wife!!
But seriously, someone FINALLY realized "This" House Wife doesn't have time to worry about every little thing.
You know what that means right?!? I'm being taken seriously for once by someone! WHOHOO!!
Blah blah blah...getting to the point...
I hit the ground running in the morning. If you showed up at my house I'm either in padded socks or running shoes, because I know I'm not going to be sitting down much! Unlike the Modern House Wife, I actually cook meals, clean my own house, School my Children, Baby my Husband and Direct the Traffic of anything coming through these Doors. With a Husband in the Military I don't have the ability to have any lose ends. I can not be unaware of the bills, money, chores (indoors & out) THEN to add insult to injury, My cat had 4 baby kittens! (So you know my house smells like stinky diapers, frebreeze, candles and litter. BLAH!)
So by the time my day ends usually 13 Hours from when it started (if I'm lucky), I just don't have time to be the "beat-around-the-bush-friend" that some might need. I don't mean to be rude and I do care. I'm just tired, sore and more then likely hungry.
Now I know some women can take everything on and STILL be Charming & Adorable, but I can't.
IF you need someone to laugh with, throw sarcasm around, play catch in the back yard and just have a good time...Sign Me Up! I'm your girl!
Maybe after I have some fun I'll want to cry on your shoulder or have you cry on my shoulder. But I've never played enough catch to EVER have that happen up to date. Sorry.
I like to save all my emotions for my Husband to sort out. (Love you babe! haha)
I mean come on... Do you think Police Officers want to end their day fighting with someone he doesn't have to? That Dr.Phil calls his friends to see who he can help with emotional problems? Do you think the Ladies that serve coffee stand in the kitchen and steal the last of your change like an expected tip? Or that my Husband watches everything Military related on TV? Wait!! He does. Scratch that last part.
You get the point.
If you can come out of this with any reassurance at all... know if I didn't like you, I wouldn't be friends with you. Because I don't have time. This is my honest effort till my kids are grown and my Husband can do chores without TA like supervision. (Don't hold your breath, haha)
It's not personal... It's just Business! (kidding, kidding.......or am I?)
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